Take the lumberchallenge and win Lumberhill or an exclusive character in our brand new contest! All you have to do for now is sign up for our newsletter before July 18th here and… wait for the instructions! We’re now revealing everything just yet, but to win you’ll need a good eye, sharp senses and determination of a real lumberjack!

Lumberhill is a hilarious co-op game for up to 4 players. Sharpen your ax, call up your squad there is a lumberjob to do. Travel the world and time chopping wood and chasing animals back to their pen. Discover varying mechanics, settings, and unexpected paths, but be warned – the world fights back – be prepared for meteor rains, wildfires and pirates going crazy around you. Literally anything, even your friends throwing you off the map a lot! Interested? Wishlist it on Steam now!
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